A summer of writing & talking about Italy & Villaggio Tours

I've had a busy summer writing and talking about things I love: Italy, traveling in Italy, and the central Italy tours we offer at Villaggio Tours.
I don’t know about you, but for me, another summer has flown by. Of course, I say that every summer. But I had a long list of things to accomplish these past few months and I definitely fell short of my objectives. The closet still needs purging, and the garden is still weedy. Thankfully, though, I wasn’t idle; I was just busy with things that weren’t the things I thought I’d be busy with. 

A summer sunset from the Allerona town wall

Travel writing

As many of you know, I wear two professional hats — one as the operator of Villaggio Tours and the other as a travel writer specializing (mostly) in Italy. Sometimes those hats are interchangeable, and this past summer was one of those times. I published a lot of articles about travel and travel tips in Italy, and I was interviewed and quoted in still more. Writing about Italy helps me further establish my expertise as an expert. And talking about Italy gives me a big opportunity to talk about my favorite topic — Villaggio Tours.

Here’s a round-up of what I’ve been writing these last couple of months: 

Talking Italy & Villaggio Tours

With my Villaggio Tours persona, I was interviewed by several prestigious publications, and got to speak about the travel landscape in Italy and the unique niche that Villaggio Tours fills:

But my closet still needs cleaned out…

And that, folks, is how this summer flew past me! Every one of those articles resulted in a spike in visits to our website and in a few cases, even confirmed bookings. I’m grateful for these opportunities to continue my craft and build our business — even if our closest still needs a good cleaning out. 



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